There are 3 main connections with any SF100 or SF220 shower filter installation:

  1. Between the shower arm (water supply outlet) and the shower filter
  2. The center of the shower filter body
  3. Between the shower filter and the showerhead or shower mount

Below are details on tackling each of the above leaks.

Leaking from the Water Filter Between the Shower Arm and Showerhead

If the connection is over-tightened, the washer can dislodge inside of the shower arm and cause the connection to leak.

To fix this:

  • Remove the shower filter and check whether the washer is inside the shower arm.
  • If it is, then remove and reseat it inside the connection on the shower filter, and then gently hand tighten the filter back onto the shower arm.
  • Check the washer is seated flat in the connection and there are no defects in the surface of the washer (a smooth flat surface is needed for the best seal).
  • If that doesn't fix the issue, then take the washer out and flip it over, and re-seat it. You can also use some plumbers tape on that connection to help eliminate small leaks. To apply the tape, wrap the tape around the threads of the shower so that you build up 3-4 layers of tape. Then attach the shower/shower mount. That should eliminate all leakage.

Center of Water Filter Body Leaking

This can be due to slipped washers inside of the shower filter. Re-seating the washers can fix this issue: -

  • Disassemble the showerhead and filter, then remove the leaking showerhead filter cartridge.
  • There are three large washers/gaskets; two at either end and one near the center
  • Remove all three washers and wipe them clean. You might need to use a pen to push the washers free. Just make sure you use something that doesn't have a sharp point, like a ballpoint pen.
  • Wipe or blow out any debris you see where the washers were sitting, or you can just rinse the inside with clean water.
  • Replace the washers, filter cartridge, and filter. Reassemble the connection between your showerhead and shower arm.

The correct positions of the washer are:









Water Leaking Between the Shower Filter and Shower Head or Mount

  • Unscrew the shower and shower mount and check you are only using one washer in that connection.
  • Check the washer is seated flat in the connection and there are no defects in the surface of the washer (a smooth flat surface is needed for the best seal).
  • If that doesn't fix the issue, then take the washer out, flip it over, and reseat it.
  • You can also use some plumbers tape on that connection to help eliminate small leaks.
  • To apply the tape, wrap the tape around the threads of the shower so that you build up 3-4 layers of tape. Then attach the shower/shower mount.